Friday, June 17, 2011

Black Cherry Lady

These went in the post on on Tuesday and arrived at their destination yesterday. They are a little late. 
They are a birthday gift for my wonderful sister who so cleverly makes words come to life on a page. She paints pictures, with words. A recent converstaion let me in on the fact that those tapping fingers were feeling the cold when hard at work, immediately I pictured these gloves. (Ravelry link)That's what stash yarn is for, right?

Born in the heart of our winter months birthday celebrations were wintery and rugged up and somehow, she always got a public holiday for her celebration. The whole nation celebrated her coming. Only they didn't know, they thought it was the Queen of England's birthday. I knew though.

Little lady spring happily modelled these for us. 

And we decided to include a few crocheted flowers for her to sew on if that's how she saw these gloves to be. I thought that would be a decision best made by her. I had faith that if they weren't added to the gloves they would've found a home somewhere else. She's clever like that my sister.

Love you Tanti

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