Thursday, June 16, 2011


I am 
  • smiling at the concentration chocolate chips can call for
  • not minding the slightly 'hi-bake' biscuit batch we made this morning
  • because the reason they were forgotten was three consectutive calls from three dear friends
  • loving baby toes in tights
  • and a brother's bottom in his sister's pants (he insists they are too big for her and plus 'dey are bery warm')
  • ignoring the mound of washing to be folded on the dining table
  • looking forward to a visit from a friend this afternoon
  • accepting that we are not going to make it to dance class today
  • geting excited about the adventures afoot
  • and trying to organise all the little bits thay go with this adventure
  • sweeping the kitchen mutiple times knowing it will need to be done again before the day is through
  • relishing the moments I find to click a few stitches and get a little closer to finishing a jumper for the season we are headed to

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