Wednesday, June 22, 2011


We are about to embark upon this journey. We are so fortunate for so many reasons to be able to do this. The planets did line up for us. Wow. 
In a few weeks we will begin a five month journey, basing ourselves in England and exploring a little and sometimes just being, a little. 
We hope to spend much time with family and alot of time as a family.

But right now we are in this odd state of completely and utterly living here whilst knowing in a few weeks this home will be lived in by others, with very little trace of us. We continue to bake, and knit and be with friends and family and our babe takes more independant steps each day.

Soon our hourly, daily, weekly habits will be changed, and for a short while our body clocks upside down. We have just had the Winter soltice and will soon be wandering around very close to the Summer one.

But while we are here we do the little and not so little preparations that are neccessary. Often that means all of us, like trying out the porta-cot, other times just Mama or Dada. There are times when I feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day because the week-to-week seems monumental. At these times Granny's voice helps me through..'Do your best and leave the rest, it'll all come right some day or night.' And it will, because no matter how much dirty washing there is we are off on a journey. And plus there'll be plenty of dirty washing to keep us occupied there too!


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