Friday, April 22, 2011

Good (really good) Friday

Today we spent all together. No sleep-ins because our littl'uns aren't quite up to that yet. But that means lazy bed snuggling in the morning which is a pretty good trade-off. 

I think my favourite moment was when Spring announced that she was planing to create a basket to leave out for Easter Bunny. 'Because then he won't have to carry all the eggs in his hands when he goes hopping off to all the people.' It was the most well thought out idea. How wonderful that life is so original again, and again for each and everyone of us.

These nests may have been the messiest things I've made with the kids. I made them when I was a kid and I don't recall this much mess, but then I guess, I was a kid and if I'm correct mess seems to be mostly unimportant in the scheme of everyday activities. Those little odd looking eggs? Peanut butter, sugary goodness, oh my.

Last year I made these biscuits and couldn't stop eating them. I knew they would be on the list again this year. The biscuit making is quite quick, it's the crosses that consume a lot of time (thanks Dada) and the most dangerous part of these tasties is brushing then with hot jam, ouch!
The recipe suggests apricot jam but I used what was on hand...crab-apple. So now my biscuits are blushing too.

We shared a few small baskets with loved ones.

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