Monday, February 28, 2011

Breakfast dessert


I believe I have discovered, almost single handedly (ahem again), the perfect breakfast dessert.

(be honest, I know I'm not the only one who has breakfast dessert sometimes, right?)

I have made many frozen treats this Summertime.  Different fruit sorbets, fruity whips and a number of litres of ice cream of differing flavours. Recently, I decided to try the recipe I had for making the basic ice cream but with the coffee variation. Yeah! I hear you all say. Grown-up ice cream. I thought so too.

It was a slightly out-of-body experience as I measured the said weight in coffee granules and tasted it to be sure it was about right.

The following night when all was quiet and I had a little Mama time I thought, 'I'll try that ice cream'. And try I did. I am going to blame, partially, what it was I was investigating on the computer, because I was completely absorbed in what I was doing. The other partial blame lies with the fact that it just tasted soooo damn good. I probably had more then a single serve or five. So, then I went to bed....

Funny, I feel all tingly. My limbs are buzzing. Finally, three hours later I went to sleep. For an hour. Then up again for another four. 
The house had begun to stir by this time. Thankfully Dada was able to let me try for another hour or so.

I think there's a lesson here. Maybe in this instance it is: When you've been pregnant and or breast feeding for over five years straight and made a conscious decision to limit caffeine perhaps consider the intake you might have in one go, especially after nine o'clock at night.

Hey, there is an upside of all this;
I now feel completely reasonable when I take a scoop right after breakfast. 
He, he.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wonder full: something for the senses

Something to see, something to hear, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or s
omething to know...

Something to be thankful for.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Stitches from yesterday, today.

This is a cardigan that Granny knitted for my sister, Tanti, when she was a wee bub. It was handed to me for my girls. Both of them wore it and we love it.

I decided to try making it again in a larger size 'cause this baby of mine just won't stop growing! Amazing, as Granny is, she had the pattern tucked away and gave me a copy. I found a modern pattern and used the size and wool as a guide but I pretty much followed the exact pattern that Granny did nearly 40 years ago. (Not that we're talking about anyone's age today. Sorry!) 

There was a number of unknitting sessions in this one and much counting and now it makes me smile to see it complete.

I like to see them together. Like the people who knitted them and wear them; of different generations but of similar make up. Mother and daughter, Grand-mother, Aunt and grand-daughter.

Forgive me if I well up.
Love you Granny, love you Tanti.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


How lovely it is to live life a little impromptu.

Doesn't happen much when there are many little people's needs and wants to consider. Which probably makes it seem all the more delightful when it happens.

We, Dada & I, went out for dinner together a few nights ago. This is a very occasional treat and only possible thanks to our wonderful friend & and neighbour who came by to sit while the babes slept. A small but great reminder of the importance of belonging to a community.

It is truly valuable, and sometimes necessary, to spend that sort of time together. I think us Mamas, me for sure, can be guilty of becoming completely absorbed with the daily activities of the small loves of our lives and the daily musings of said activities that others (in this instance Dada) can get left by.

Yes, we talked about the little people but we also talked about plans for the future. Things for us to do with those little people. There was lovely food, bubbly beverages, and a few good laughs.
I think there was even a little hand holding. Stop it.

No pics, just the memory & the feeling to smile about. We.

Thanks Dada.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekend wandering and pondering

We ate frozen delights before we left home (grapes, what makes them even more exciting when they're frozen?),

gobbled biodynamic blueberries,

and blueberry ice cream,

 visited a garden wonderland

and ran like pixies

past still life 

and manicured beauty.

Explored with The Out-of-place,

roared with the ginormous,

 and pondered with the peaceful.

We rode all manner of beast

and climbed to watch the world wash by.

Oh, this weekend really is magnificent.

(There are more words to come. After I've cleaned the poop!)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wonder full: something for the senses

Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Something to be thankful for.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

today is tired

but the sky is blue and warm

my baby is soft and snuggly (and now quite crawly)

I squeezed in a trip to  the yarn shop

I got a few rows closer to the final row on a wee cardigan

we made granola

and tonight we will all sleep
(here's hoping).

Monday, February 14, 2011


I did say 'actively discouraged' didn't I? Yep, maybe I'm not as clear as I thought I was.
This fabulous Queen and her castle appeared a few days ago. I'm just breathing and letting it wash over me.

Then, in turn, we will wash the walls.
Bless her creative heart.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wonder full: something for the senses

Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Something to be thankful for.

Who doesn't want to play dolls in their monster suit sometimes?

Friday, February 11, 2011

smash: the start

Well that was the favourite bit for my Autumn.
I've decided to do some lighting evolution. Maybe of the more backward direction, now that I think about it. We have this lamp which bumped, a little too hard, into another piece of furniture one day. These things happen a bit, I find, with little peoples in the house. This bump rendered it unsafe but I hung onto it as I have a little thing for lights (of all kinds).

When we were on holidays I found something which I thought would be perfect as a bedside light for my boy so now we're in the process of marrying the two. First is the smash stage! (done very safely with no glass left to come into contact with peoples)
You can see the excitement in those painted toenails. Oh, how he loved that sound and echoed it again and again. Smass, smass, smasssssss!

So now we have one of these which should be just perfect for the plans I have. 
Here's hoping. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

sit and knit

Yesterday for various reasons I had little Winter in and out of the car a number of times. I had to wake her to get her from the car at the last stop so when I put her back in I couldn't wake her again, sweet pea. So...I drove to a beautiful spot by the river parked and wound down the windows.

I just happened to have  one of my knitting bags with me, convenient I know! (they travel with me a bit these days, just in case.)
So, I sat and knit, listening to the birds with a sleeping baby in the back. 
And I felt very productive. It's not often I get this kind of quality knitting time in daylight hours.

This is something for said sleeping baby. It's a little over half-way now. Yeah.

Monday, February 7, 2011

In our kitchen

The past few days have seen a little kitchen time for Spring, Autumn and myself. (And Winter, snuggled, mostly asleep, on my chest in the sling.)

There was the fruit brioche which doubled as a birthday gift for a deserving friend.

Then the banana muffins with those tired nanas we had. I couldn't help think: this won't be happening again for a while. 
With the cyclone destroying so many of our banana crops they will be less regular in fruit bowls for a while. 

Those little hands just find texture so irresistible: 'Feels soft. Like my bed. Like snoooow. It fluffy.'

And then pasta for dinner. We are real novices at this but it's so simple and fun and the texture and taste of fresh pasta is so nice.

Mama did most of the 'fettucine' and my lady made the bows.

...and now, I'm full.

'til the morn'......

Friday, February 4, 2011

Wonder full: something for the senses

Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Something to be thankful for.

'I'm going put on my gaggles and give you cuggle.' Autumn

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Art for art's sake

Today I present my current collection of wall art:

I do not, actively encourage drawing or painting on furniture or walls ( in fact I actively discourage it!), alas it seems to happen. Not all the time but often enough at the moment. There are two contributors to this gallery but there is definitely a ringleader.

Her creative urge is always bubbling at the surface and this I love. I find it difficult to be cross when she is creating what she feels is beauty. 
Not so long ago I found her new red and white polkadot rashie (swim shirt) with pen in all the polka dots. When asked about it she replied ' I made it beautiful, do you like it?'
Oh, sweetheart.
These are pictures drawn and stuck by the fireplace lovingly for her brother.

Her bedroom walls are not immune.

Neither is Mama & Dada's bedroom. 

And there used to be the most magnificent spider on the bathroom door, in permanent marker! (it was cleaned off by mistake). I guess my role in this is to provide a place where she can use and grow this part of her. I'm finding small spaces to enable it amongst the rest of family life.

“It will be gone before you know it. The fingerprints on the wall appear higher and higher, then suddenly they disappear.” Dorothy Evslin

I love the fingerprints. And the wall art.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

thank-you garden, thank-you rain

Tomatoes, tomatoes everywhere...?
By the gate...

In the steps...

Out of the compost bin...not so surprising, but still...

Where they were deliberately planted....

And another from the compost bin.
Pumpkin? Zucchini? Squash? I'm not sure what this monster is. Regardless we are hopeful it may offer us some goodies soon.

And most of this without too much assistance from us people type beings. We live in an incredible world.