Thursday, April 26, 2012


Dear blog friends, 

I must take a little break from this space.

See you soon.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wonder full: something for the senses

Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Something to be thankful for.

Autumn blooms
and Autumn light

Friday, April 20, 2012

In the garden

A few weeks ago the little people and their Dada dug out some native grasses (under instruction from the unwell lady inside!) and made a place we could plant some vegies and such. A productive patch.

We made trips to the hardware store, trips to the nursery between belting showers which kept children dry and made Mamas wet.

There's been a lot of fun had in creating this little patch. Friends made, tights filthied, and soil filtered through fingers.

When I have ventured out the door these past few weeks, it makes me smile to see this humble patch flourishing. We're looking forward to trying our goodies.

This weedy looking thing (below) excites me most. It's an artichoke and it's thriving. Granny and Pompa occasionally used to serve us artichokes and we would draw all that flesh off each petal dipped in homemade vinaigrette with our teeth till we got down to that delicious heart. Mmmmm. 

However, I do need to try rein in those cabbage moths. They are making rather a mess of our broccoli.

The garlic and leeks seem to be happy. We are novices at this and have much to learn so are not expecting too much from this planting. But, it's a start and our knowledge and confidence can only grow from here.

The dahlia's our neighbour shared have sprouted happily. I know very little about these, I'm not sure if it was the right time to plant them, but they are growing well and we'll do our best.

And then there are these sweet tiny native violets that grow where they please. How lovely.

How does your garden grow?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

today... not easy
...I had a different post intended
...but was back at the doctor's with symptoms that are lingering
...then visited the pharmacy and have more pills to take

...I am wishing my mum was closer and my man didn't have to travel so far with work
...I am hoping that soon I will be up to dropping off or picking up my girl from school and being very thankful to those who have been doing so in the meantime

...I am grateful when my babes entertain each other happily 
...I am wishing adventurous babes didn't fall and hurt themselves so often
...I am chuckling at nudie children rubbing ice cubes on themselves to make themselves squeal
...I am glad all three babes seem to be over the Croup they had

...I am thankful for the love and support of the women in my family and my life

...I am a little overwhelmed but cheered by the beautiful flowers sent by some of those incredible women in my family

...and warmed by their little sister bouquet that was gathered and placed by my gatherer child whilst I rested yesterday afternoon

...reinforces that you must take each day as it comes

...I am hoping your day was filled with smiles, food, fine weather and health.

Monday, April 16, 2012

we went to the beach

First thing Sunday morning. 

Via the bakery.

The sun shone.

The breeze was absent.

The water was cold.

The littlest of us wore bathers that our Grandmother had made for our mother many years ago and only just fit. (And made us look a little like a wrestler. Ahem.)

But it was perfect.

Maybe because it might be the last for a while.

Sometimes, somehow that makes it even better.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wonder full: something for the senses

Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Something to be thankful for.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Mama love

And Daddy love too. 

Granny flew down at the last minute to help out a few weeks ago because, despite me not asking for help and saying we were ok, they knew we weren't. Dad took it into his own hands, booked a flight and my Mum was here before bedtime that night. Not an easy feat to organise at midday from 2000 kilometres away. I needed somebody to take control here. It is so hard to ask for help, especially when your not ok, especially when your grown up and a Mum and just do what has to be done, no matter what, everyday. I love my life, I love my family and I am fulfilling my dreams. But sometimes things beyond our control take over and you need help and support. I feel so fortunate to have family and friends who are there when I'm not able to find any more reserves in myself. And sometimes the needs of a young family cannot be met by one parent. Especially when it's the one who draws the income.

These few weeks of being able to do very little, and not knowing why I was unwell, left me feeling very vulnerable. I took the brief moments before bedtime to read to the kids because that was the extent of energy I could muster and I wanted to be with them. I got an insight into how I must've appeared from the outside when the last thing our big girl said to one night after I told her I loved her was' Mama, are you going to die?' I assured her I wasn't but she made me promise that if I was going to, I would tell her. Wow. Deep breath.

But, like everything life rolls our way, you learn from it. These weeks of not being able to do much, of being a spectator not a participant, showed me just how much I do everyday. I'm no Super Mum, I'm just doing what other parents do, but watching others, in this case two others, try to fill your role, do your daily tasks has made me realise how many balls I juggle. All the time. A few older people have said to me 'You've got lots of balls in the air at the moment' refering to this time in our lives, how many things I am/we are juggling. I just smile and say 'Yeah'. Because it's something I'm happy about. It is my choice to be here, doing this. I wouldn't be anywhere else.

When you first become a Mum you are in awe of anyone who has children, especially those who manage more than one or a child with difficulties. But, it is a gradual training in some ways and the load you can take becomes greater with your knowledge increase, household set-up changes and routines. Like any other job, the first five weeks are full of learning and you feel like your running the whole time but by the five year mark, things are a little calmer, things make sense and you complete many of your tasks without stretching your brain too much.

I cry as I write this, because although I am better at asking for help than I used to be, it is still very difficult to ask when you need it most. Make friends. Accept the Chicken Soup and the care it was cooked with. Stay in touch with family. Nurture these relationships. Always. They are so vitally important and rewarding for each person in them. They can be your saving and you can be someone else's. Be kind, gentle and a good friend. Anything else is wasting time.

Most importantly, do what makes you happy. Be the person you want to be. Soak up the world around you.

Truely love those who love you. And show them.

Love you Mum.
Love you Dad.
Forever and always.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Coral and new life

This lovely lady joined my wardobe over the weekend. She came off the needles all relaxed-like and calm. And I was a little relectant to look at her in her entirety and try her on because of all the troubles we've had along the way. But I was so pleasantly surprised. I am a wee bit in love. (Ravelry link)

I have tried her on and she fits nicely (for now) but as our weather has just taken a turn for the cooler I am afraid she's a little late for this year so I look forward to spending more time with her next Spring and Summertime.

The (for now), is because I am growing. With good reason. This Springtime will bring another little lifespring into our family and grow our family number to six. We are so looking forward to meeting this little soul. 

My being unwell has not been due growing this baby and gratefully our baby seems to be sailing through my time of being a little unwell just fine.

This last few weeks have been a little short on the creative end for me. I know I am unwell when I cannot read or knit. It's not fun. It is so nice to pick up the needles and have something to finish. 

And therefore, in turn, something to start. Yay. That's right I've started a project that has been sitting waiting for some months. It's knitted in the round and very simple so just right for a low-energy knitter.

For now though I am enjoying just looking at Coral as I walk in to my room.

Goodnight All.
Goodnight Coral.

Monday, April 9, 2012


My Easter crafting plans were seriously squashed by illness this year. We were fortunate, Granny flew down to help for over a week and she helped with many festive creations. 

We had a little hunt on Sunday morn. I am always amused at how little people can contort themselves in the name of finding chocolate.

I made this sweet Easter bread on Saturday night. It's the first time I've done so. The idea is that you bake it with a number of rocks pushed into the doungh to make little nests for the secret visitor to leave treats in. It worked! This year the treats were thoughtful creation by Granny (shhh...don't tell the little people); coconut macaroon type eggs with squishy orange jelly centres. Genius. A nice alternative to chocolate and quite delicous.

And this morning our biggest egg was cold. The weather today was positively Wintery. It's supposed to warm up as the week goes on. I hope so I'm not ready for 10 degrees just yet.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Forgive me for not making it here for some time. I have been unwell. After a few visits to both the GP and the Emergency Department and talking to my Uncle-in-law (is there such a term?!) doctor on the phone I have some pills that will hopefully mend me and a recommendation to rest. We are doing our best. I will endeavour to update more this coming week.

In the meantime, I wish you all a lovely Easter with those things most important. 
Family, friends, love and sunshine. 
And a wee bite of chocolate.