Saturday, January 29, 2011

Little scribble

There was an impromptu making of sketch/writing books at our house yesterday. 
I often find something 'new' can inspire creativity.

I just found some old wrapping paper ( I think it's one of the Leunig paper's that come in the newspaper once a year - I really like Micheal Leunig's work. ) folded it and stuck it around some white paper, made a little page marker and stapled it to make the spine.

'Dis de osen and dere's fissy in dere.'

Thursday, January 27, 2011

In my kitchen

A treat for the babes:
A jug of warm milk and an egg cup with some hot chocolate (Green and Black's to be rich, so delicious) and two happy littlies. And I don't mind a little myself too you know.

Florentines, these have been on my kitchen Make List since before Christmas so I was very pleased when the opportunity arose. They're made with my favourite recipe which has a little ginger and a little fresh lemon rind. And I've put 70% cocoa chocolate on the bottom, yum.
I've since discovered that Spring and Autumn don't necessarily agree with me on the yum so....more for moi! 
I no complain....

Lastly, granola. This too, has been on that list a while. It's the first time I've made it and I love it. I have two recipes and it's kinda a blend, either way it's tasty. I've had positive comments from the kids and visiting family, and a little from myself (while spooning it directly through my lips. He, he.)

It's begining to sound like I have a thing for food, isn't it?


Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy holiday, really.

It has taken me a few days of home time to find this space but I'm so glad I'm here. 
It seems a while ago and sometimes a world away from the return of the year's rhythm but, there is happiness and anticipation (for next year) in reflecting on the past few weeks. 
There was very little knitting/crafting (oh well), some baking and ice-cream making (necessary of course), quite a lot of beach and....sand, a bit of exploratory climbing, fun fair time, and lots of just moochin' with family and friends (of which there were many!).
One special happening that occurred a few times, was that Winter slept on the beach. The  first of my babes to do so. I had a small celebration inside while she slept peacefully amongst all that sand, breeze and sun to the sound of sea and family. Bless.
Here's a snapshot of the cherished time we had.
As always there were many firsts, many repeats, many joys and a few challenges.

A collection of moments that, as a whole, made for a joyful holiday in the sun with many we love.