Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Coral and new life

This lovely lady joined my wardobe over the weekend. She came off the needles all relaxed-like and calm. And I was a little relectant to look at her in her entirety and try her on because of all the troubles we've had along the way. But I was so pleasantly surprised. I am a wee bit in love. (Ravelry link)

I have tried her on and she fits nicely (for now) but as our weather has just taken a turn for the cooler I am afraid she's a little late for this year so I look forward to spending more time with her next Spring and Summertime.

The (for now), is because I am growing. With good reason. This Springtime will bring another little lifespring into our family and grow our family number to six. We are so looking forward to meeting this little soul. 

My being unwell has not been due growing this baby and gratefully our baby seems to be sailing through my time of being a little unwell just fine.

This last few weeks have been a little short on the creative end for me. I know I am unwell when I cannot read or knit. It's not fun. It is so nice to pick up the needles and have something to finish. 

And therefore, in turn, something to start. Yay. That's right I've started a project that has been sitting waiting for some months. It's knitted in the round and very simple so just right for a low-energy knitter.

For now though I am enjoying just looking at Coral as I walk in to my room.

Goodnight All.
Goodnight Coral.

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