Friday, April 20, 2012

In the garden

A few weeks ago the little people and their Dada dug out some native grasses (under instruction from the unwell lady inside!) and made a place we could plant some vegies and such. A productive patch.

We made trips to the hardware store, trips to the nursery between belting showers which kept children dry and made Mamas wet.

There's been a lot of fun had in creating this little patch. Friends made, tights filthied, and soil filtered through fingers.

When I have ventured out the door these past few weeks, it makes me smile to see this humble patch flourishing. We're looking forward to trying our goodies.

This weedy looking thing (below) excites me most. It's an artichoke and it's thriving. Granny and Pompa occasionally used to serve us artichokes and we would draw all that flesh off each petal dipped in homemade vinaigrette with our teeth till we got down to that delicious heart. Mmmmm. 

However, I do need to try rein in those cabbage moths. They are making rather a mess of our broccoli.

The garlic and leeks seem to be happy. We are novices at this and have much to learn so are not expecting too much from this planting. But, it's a start and our knowledge and confidence can only grow from here.

The dahlia's our neighbour shared have sprouted happily. I know very little about these, I'm not sure if it was the right time to plant them, but they are growing well and we'll do our best.

And then there are these sweet tiny native violets that grow where they please. How lovely.

How does your garden grow?

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