How to win a sister's love; one of many ways: share lollies. They must've sat like this for half an hour, giggling away.
Baby food. Yes, it's an established part of our day again. Happy baby.
And that wool left on the kitchen bench? It's intended for dyeing. I'm going to have a little try at colouring some yarn.
Step one: Yarn out and on the kitchen bench. Tick
Step two: Ahhh...soon.
Little sisters beginning to play together: things to make a Mama smile.

Kite flying: We had a super windy day. Not great for kite flying because it was whipping around in every direction but none-the-less, Little Man thought he'd like to make a kite, and sister joins in. They're just crepe paper, string and fine bamboo twigs from the garden. They didn't get a great deal of elevation but fly they did. In fits and starts. But hey, can you see the joy on those faces? Apparently making something fly is a REALLY good feeling.
I always wanted to fly.
Still do.
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