Wednesday, August 17, 2011

These Old Stables

These old stables have been good to us. They were just the right place for us to fall when we arrived. Just small enough for us to be warm and comfortable and rest well but all the things we needed to keep this family of five going. 

The old beams are still there holding the building together whilst reminding us visitors of it’s original purpose. There is a small orchard with apples and plums, a large area of grass, flowers, a climbing tree, a flying fox (zip wire), and blackberries growing free. 

There was playdough and baking, there was ice-cream making and following creature creating. There were daisy chains and dancing poppies, there were many pebbles to be sucked clean and spat back out.

We spent many hours playing and lazing on the grass, searching for spiders, riding the tractor, kicking balls and picking small apples for Mathilda’s sheep. There were many blackberries picked and eaten. And by the time we left one of the plum trees was so laden with fruit that the branch had snapped. 

In the main bedroom there was a helpful skylight that quickly received a dressing of black pillow cases and tape in an attempt to help Winter sleep reasonable hours through the night despite the daylight from about 4 am till nearly 10pm. There was also an Oompaa Loompa sized door, up above the cupboards, into a loft space maybe? I didn’t go exploring inside this door, although I intended to.  I must admit, I’m a little proud of myself; that little door it was ajar and I didn’t once ask Big J (Dada) to go and investigate for me.

And the last little treasure in our room was this window, like a perfect picture frame. It's depth of about half a metre gave us some understanding of why the room's temperature was so constant. I loved it. It was covered sometimes, to encourage the little lady to sleep, but when it was open those small pictures brought me smiles.

This place will stay with us. It holds a few tough memories, those first few weeks were challenging, but mostly good, happy, fresh memories. A launching place.

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