Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Family visits

T'other day we spent the afternoon with my Aunt. Some had a nice nap, all had a delicious lunch. And in the following leisurely hours we squeezed in a trip to the local Oxfam shop. Well, the girls did anyway. This is a place that holds fond memories for me as a child. A little treasure trove of things to spend any bonus pennies on.
And this visit was no different, we gathered a traditional jelly mould (for moi),  some wind up torches, a make n' bake chocolate Easter basket(!) kit, some small toys, and books. Little lady Winter slept on my chest throughout the exploration but I can confidently say that Spring thought she had found Wonderland.

Later we went for a walk. Along the way we found a rope swing, a rapeseed field to hide in and sweet, juicy, just ripening blackberries.

Further on we wandered through a wood with old, knowing trees (I think the one below looks like a mother carrying her child) and a badger hole only to come out the other side into a public apple and plum orchard.

This orchard was enchanting; gnarled apple trees perfect for climbing and laden with fruit and plums just beginning to ripen with an aromatic flavour we'd never tasted before. All there for anyone to wander though, play in or pick. We are thankful that we can share in the these places that are special to those we love. We left with a handful of plums and a smile

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