For a few reasons I am finding it difficult to visit this space as often as I usually do. I hope this will change soon. Till then I'll do my best to keep up with a picture or two.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
One step away
For a few reasons I am finding it difficult to visit this space as often as I usually do. I hope this will change soon. Till then I'll do my best to keep up with a picture or two.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Family visits
And this visit was no different, we gathered a traditional jelly mould (for moi), some wind up torches, a make n' bake chocolate Easter basket(!) kit, some small toys, and books. Little lady Winter slept on my chest throughout the exploration but I can confidently say that Spring thought she had found Wonderland.
Later we went for a walk. Along the way we found a rope swing, a rapeseed field to hide in and sweet, juicy, just ripening blackberries.
This orchard was enchanting; gnarled apple trees perfect for climbing and laden with fruit and plums just beginning to ripen with an aromatic flavour we'd never tasted before. All there for anyone to wander though, play in or pick. We are thankful that we can share in the these places that are special to those we love. We left with a handful of plums and a smile.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Wonder full: something for the senses
Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Friday, July 22, 2011
The expanded, brighter version
We've been in this beautiful place for over a week now and it feels good. We are past having porridge and a bath at two or three am. We are settled. We have met the farmer, Matilda, who tends the sheep in the next field and can now identify the sheep called Licorice(!) And little Spring lady is perfecting her 'statues' approach to visiting the sheep so as not to frighten them away.
The first birthday, that so blessedly happened before illness really got hold of us, was lovely. We made a chocolate cake, that mostly worked. We explored the family farm, we had a wee picnic on the grass. We were wonderfully cared for by Uncle Tim and Tisha who had lovingly made sheep shaped cheese biscuits (featured in the last post), came home from work early, and had toys for each small person. There were a few gifts from her Mama and Dada including this little Baa, baa, black sheep and cards from some very thoughtful people (thank-you Aunty Shirley). The card Granny sent from Australia was one I had made as a 'template' kind of card when I was little. With the To.... and the From...left blank and 'Have a happy and great day!!!' as the note. How funny that as a child I made the card that my parents and siblings would give to my third child on her first birthday!
The rain that hung around for a few days has eased to showers and the sun is making the odd appearance.
And now the temperatures that were frighteningly high and not responding to medication are almost gone.
For these days at home in quiet I found activities to gently entertain tired bodies. I made play dough, we went outside and did colour mixing, and the pastels made things brighter.
I've shed a few tears in happy disbelief that we are actually here, doing all of this together.
And I knew exactly where I was and am still smiling at the good humoured sentiment my Aunt ended the phone call with in the midst of it all:
Oh, yes.
We really are here.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
- are in England and very pleased to be so
- are so happy to see family
- were sleeping where we lay
- were enjoying the sun
- turned one! Yippee!
- thought we were recovering from the flight
- began to get fevers and coughs
- have visited the hospital emergency department
- saw the local doctor
- made multiple pharmacy visits
- have had many early nights...and early mornings
- will be glad when all improve and have more energy
- are bringing the washing in out of the rain, again
- are glad knitting in the round requires little energy
- will have more to share in a couple of days.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Ph is for Phoebe
This one is for Phoebe.
It didn't seem right to put a P on there.
It's so lovely to be able to make things for friends and a little project like this was just exactly what this time called for.
It's knit in the round this time so no seam to get in the way of a resting little head. (Ravelry link) We hope she gets many opportunities to wear it. Although, if it covers those little lady curls maybe not too much, 'cause those curls they're pretty special.
(modelled by the lovely Winter again. Poor darling must be wondering when she might have one to keep)
It didn't seem right to put a P on there.
It's so lovely to be able to make things for friends and a little project like this was just exactly what this time called for.
(modelled by the lovely Winter again. Poor darling must be wondering when she might have one to keep)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Wonder full: something for the senses
Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Friday, July 8, 2011
Getting there
The suitcases are out (and people are being wheeled around the house inside them with much uncontrollable giggling), the kitchen cupboards are mostly empty (thank-you MC!), there are many ticks on many lists. There are many piles and bags for distribution to friends and family.
And the favour is returned....
The glowing box on the wall is playing a role in our days more than I'm comfortable with and I can't believe how uncomfortable it can make me. And the kids.
This imminent change is showing itself in all of us in differing ways and we are all a little under the weather. There have been runny noses, coughs and high temperatures.
The toilet training that was chugging along wonderfully has gone backwards. The night bed-wetting is happening again. Little boys wish to sit in the baby's chair again. The night feeding has increased and brief Mama 'free' time, such as steppping out for a run, came to a halt weeks ago.
My head is tense and my body is letting me know that it is tired. Because there's no one enforcing a fifteen minute break, when you have to take time out. That cuppa that is needed is often reheated and then poured out a long while later, long after I've forgotten I'd even made it.
I'd prefer the friendly carpenter, fixing those long overdue little things, wasn't here whilst we go about our business. And I am a little surprised how debilitated I feel with out a pantry ready for cooking.
So, in moments, we do what makes us feel grounded, at home, at peace. The paints come out and a few other little crafty things, they dress up, they role play. 'Grab your suitcase, let's take them over here. Here is Nowhere and it is always warm here, we can go swimming.' Hopefully this helps minds rest while the house about them is packed and the conversations centre on things which are far away and unknown to them.

The energy to knit had been absent so I sorted my collection and readied for packing but last night I took some moments and a few stitches later my mind had calmed. So rhythmic, so simple.
We will get there, and there will be tired, no doubt. But it will be There, and it will be us and, fingers crossed, it will be warm. And we'll be on an adventure, together.
How fortunate we are.
And the favour is returned....
The glowing box on the wall is playing a role in our days more than I'm comfortable with and I can't believe how uncomfortable it can make me. And the kids.
This imminent change is showing itself in all of us in differing ways and we are all a little under the weather. There have been runny noses, coughs and high temperatures.
The toilet training that was chugging along wonderfully has gone backwards. The night bed-wetting is happening again. Little boys wish to sit in the baby's chair again. The night feeding has increased and brief Mama 'free' time, such as steppping out for a run, came to a halt weeks ago.
I'd prefer the friendly carpenter, fixing those long overdue little things, wasn't here whilst we go about our business. And I am a little surprised how debilitated I feel with out a pantry ready for cooking.
So, in moments, we do what makes us feel grounded, at home, at peace. The paints come out and a few other little crafty things, they dress up, they role play. 'Grab your suitcase, let's take them over here. Here is Nowhere and it is always warm here, we can go swimming.' Hopefully this helps minds rest while the house about them is packed and the conversations centre on things which are far away and unknown to them.
The energy to knit had been absent so I sorted my collection and readied for packing but last night I took some moments and a few stitches later my mind had calmed. So rhythmic, so simple.
We will get there, and there will be tired, no doubt. But it will be There, and it will be us and, fingers crossed, it will be warm. And we'll be on an adventure, together.
How fortunate we are.
Monday, July 4, 2011
We have had more lovely days with family. And days of doing not a lot. A few of us have been a little under the weather so happy to just be around home.
We managed a little painting. It feels so good to watch your children paint. Small but simple joy.

We managed a little painting. It feels so good to watch your children paint. Small but simple joy.
A little learning how to play chess. (no comment on the glove on the foot...!)
There have been many requests for warm lemon drinks. They enjoy doing as much of this as they can. We are lucky to be able to with the sunny lemons from a friend.
We hope to recharge our batteries a little this week in preparation for the coming journey.
Excitement is growing.
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