Friday, May 3, 2013

Sometimes the pinata comes first

Our floors are filthy (I was going to write disgusting, but that would be unfair, they're not. Just filthy.)

But...we have been making a pinata,
a felt dragon,
a chocolate dinosaur,
and doing the washing.

Sometimes we give up something to get something. A lot of the time. Almost always.
At the moment, despite the arrival of a new vacuum (yippee!), it's the floors that are missing out.
Unassisted by the arrival of new sand in the sandpit and a meal of cous cous for five people last night but as much as it bothers me each time I see the dirt I still walk over it.
I walk over it to get to the children. To get to the washing. To get the camera. To get to the door.
And with birthday preparations in full swing, I walk over it to get to the pinata. To get to the dinosaur. To get to the cake. To get to a cup of tea. 

 I walk over it to get to the other side.