Friday, October 26, 2012


...of sorts.

A snuggly Cocoon 

Before this wee one arrived, before we knew whether she was a she or a he, in those moments of quiet and hoping and looking forward to what was to come, I knitted a few little things. (Wow! That's a long sentence...and probably not grammatically correct....hmmm. Meh!) 
Not really a traditional layette set but a small collection none-the-less. 

And the blanket

With knowing that all too quickly little ones become bigger ones, I knitted a few things that I thought would help capture these early few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Just had to google 'layette'... She's very perfect isn't she? I love the cocoon!


    ps. dont worry about the sentence length, you've got plenty of room before its considered too long in my world... Read a judgement this semester that contained one sentence that was 100 lines long - there were lots of commas!!

    Love x
