Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Knit Alpaca

I did say 'later this week' didn't I? Turns out I actually meant...In a week...Sorry!

After finding this project on the Purl bee I decided 'I'd like to try that.' The yarn suggested is Bag Smith's Big Stitch Alpaca Yarn. After thinking about this I decided I would like to try to find something a little more local, I know there are Alpaca farmer's out there not so far away. And so I found knitalpaca. Yay!

This yarn is from within the state. It is grown, and spun locally. And the lady there, Lauris, has been so kind and helpful. I used the Granda in grey. It's quite pebbly.

Wow. This yarn is divine. So squishy, so soft, warm, gentle tones and it even smells amazing. Yarn that you want to snuggle in bed with. A few small people told me they were going to use it as a blanket. It has been taken from this spot a number of times since I originally placed it. Being at on the stairs and being so soft I have a non slip mat beneath it.

Though we have seen a few windows into Springtime weather it continues to be broken up by stiff cold winds, wet, grey skies and Wintery weather. I do so look forward to putting my toes on that soft inviting rug each day. 

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