Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend and more

We visited a Farmer's Market on Saturday morning and brought home these treasures. And some strawberries, and we ate hot buttered corn and rhubarb tarts, and bacon and egg rolls and listened, played along with and danced to sounds made by a happy musician. 

And some bulbs. I choose Freesias and Bluebells. Bulbs are lovely. Not only do they produce beauty and fragrance they also give me something to look forward to already. A link to Springtime. It can't really be that far away.....

I think some might go in the front garden, to greet us when we come home and I might even pot some for inside. Just the thought makes me smile. A kind neighbour drop by these dahlia sticks for us too.

Today is a holiday here and we had a beautiful sunrise and made hotcross buns in the spirit of the season. Mmmm, they were good.


  1. Beautiful photos..... Like the leaves on the pot particularly. I'm amazed at all the lovely things you are able to fit in to your day! Georgina

    1. Oh, those leaves, they just gently called my attention. A nice find. When you seek the lovely things they seems to seek you too! Wishing you a good remainder of the week. x
