Wednesday, February 29, 2012

to do

This has been on the to do list since returning from our Christmas holidays.

The highlight of our relatively quiet weekend was Sunday morning strawberry picking. Before the heat really beat down we had 3kg of juicy organic strawberries to take home. It's funny picking fruit, I always find I can't actually stop. Just one more, oh, there's another good one. And I'm on my way out...oooo, look at that one....and one last one, and...
And strawberry juice everywhere.

There is so much more than just nutritional goodness that comes from picking your own fruit. 

However, strawberry icecream was a must, I was told. So, we went with strawberries and whipped cream on Sunday, Monday was chocolate icecream, pouring cream and strawberries and by Tuesday night it was (drum roll) strawberry icecream.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Dear friends, 

Life at the moment is calling for a little slowing down. I will be visiting this space, just a little less frequently for a short while. 

Back soon.

Friday, February 17, 2012

A week

This week has been up and down. I've been unwell along with our little people which can make for some very long days but also for some very home based activities. And this space not quite reaching the top of the priority list. It is weeks like these that re-inforce the importance of family and friends and the support they offer, and we, hopefully, in time, can return this care.

We rolled between the bedroom, the kitchen, the lounge and the sometimes warm back yard. With the odd trip to the laundry and school, of course. We made ANZAC biscuits and frozen blueberry lemonade.

Friday morning we were blessed with a surprise visit from a sister-in-law who lives at the other end of the country. It made us smile. 
And by Friday afternoon we felt it was time for a 'Get Well Soon' cake for us. Well, we thought so anyway. So of course we went the healthy option and went straight for that most delicious and delectable chocolate cake recipe of Granny's. It was something I always looked forward to as a kid (and as an adult no less). 

When I told Spiderman that it wasn't really 'Fish fare', he stuck his nose in the air and swam the other way.

It kinda looks like a Wintertime cake, no? 'Berry alicious' as someone said. Just have to aim for that Summer one next week. Again.

And then we finished our Friday with pizza. Shark shaped as well as others.
Hope your week's ended on a happy. Or yummy. Or both.

Monday, February 13, 2012


was homey

with two poorly babes

where excitement came in deliveries (one was long awaited from the otherside of the world and carried wonderful memories with them)

and comfort food like vege soup and rice pudding were order of the day

and by the end things were better than the start 
(partly because we wear our sister's knickers Superman style, perhaps)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Wonder full: something for the senses

Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Something to be thankful for.

Maple syrup dinosaur

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Business

I'm going to start up a new business. We're going into logistics. Watch out all those big name companies, the 'Children's Re-distribution Service' is about to be launched.

Children's Re-distribution Service

Put it somewhere in our vicinity and we'll re-distribute immediately. 

Anything, anywhere, anytime. 

We can't promise you'll find it immediately, or ever again. 
But have faith, it's been re-distributed.

Watch this space.   ;)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wonder full: something for the senses

Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Something to be thankful for.

short tales
Tonight I lay with with my girl, our first born, our gatherer, our lady of the Spring, as she fought the battle to sleep. Tonight, she had reason to be a little unsettled, a little busy in her mind. Tomorrow is her first day at school. As I lay there, silent and still beside her, I thought about her and us and the changes she has guided us through. I thought about the brevity of those years that she has been at home with me and the journey ahead of us. I thought about how from tomorrow things will be a little different, how our family orbit will shift. I held her, as I did that first night, and a tear gathered in the corner of my eye. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

New Pants in Motion

There was another new addition to the household shortly before Christmas. A sewing machine. Due to all the busyness it didn't see the light of day till we returned after our holidays. I started with s little read of the manual and had a little play around and made a few giggles of delight (much to the amusement of my husband) as I did so. I haven't sewn on a machine since high school!

Then when Granny visited she helped me make a pattern from a favourite pair of shorts and cut and pin and sew it together. It's not as beautifully done as the original, not as detailed but they have the same cut and feel and purpose. And most importantly he's happy to wear them. He wanted to wear them in the bath with his goggles as 'swimming shorts' as is his way at the moment but we decided they were a little too long. But that there my friends is a compliment. 

These are made from an old dress of mine that I thought made me look older than I feel. I thought it was much cooler for boys shorts.

And, I proudly tell you, they have survived the washing machine (roshing machine as I now find myself saying in order to keep up with the little guy) and being worn about so, maybe we did ok. He is always in motion so consequently so were these.

There be plans brewing...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

you know you're a mama when...

there's a muddy soccer ball on your bed

you shower with a tea party at your feet

six days out of seven you have banana squashed across your shoulder or around your knee

an 80 decible noise level can be written off as back ground noise

you frequently kiss teddies and dolls goodnight and tuck them in

going on a date means one to one time with one of your children

to prepare anything in a the kitchen you must dance around the chairs and step stools put at the bench for kiddy access

Pamella Allen is right up there on your list of favourite authors

your bedside reading pile consists of Monkey and Me, Knitter's Almanac & Puff the Magic Dragon

it takes more than two months to unpack your house. And you're ok with it. 

when what brings you most joy in your days is seeing your kids engaged and happy

when you can't go to bed without peeping in on each of them, maybe even whispering to and kissing them