Saturday, November 5, 2011

Au revoir

So, now we farewell our time in France. We have been so happy here.

(this is what happens when a three year old has the camera, mmmm, mmm)

We spent a number of evenings with cows down the road. Watching them coming in and being milked. And leaving with the delights created from their milk. (This is what happens when grown-ups visit a dairy farm in France with money in their pocket)

We had throwing lessons with wheelbarrows worth of apples fallen from the tree. 'The Boys' (young male cows) would come running to us. By the end a couple of them would eat out of our hands and dribble gallons of saliva at the same time.

We saw the Bayeux Tapestry and went to Rouen where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. We visited the beach at Dieppe where many men were lost in WWII and the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. I found these visits difficult. It is hard to understand and comprehend what happened in these places. The Cemetery was an almost overwhelming experience. Such a peaceful and calm place, the path winds through the trees overlooking the beach, then you turn the corner and thousands of white crosses and stars fill the view. Startling and horrifying. 

We also had a bit of 'just being' time. Our big girl also mastered riding a bicycle and lost her first tooth. Monkey man continued to perfect his cricket skills and un petite fatty gained new words. her favourite being 'gook' (look) and pointing at anything and everything. 

We spent our evenings and night listening to Hedwig the resident barn owl, whom we are yet to spot but have heard walking along the roof. And much time enjoy the fireplace and warmth in the kitchen. These stamps were above the fireplace and they were too hard to resist so there was a little stamping.

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