Wednesday, October 19, 2011

tiny tea leaves

This was finished whilst we were south by the sea. (Ravelry Link)It was an immediate hit. She's been waiting for this one. 

There were a few hiccups along the way. I had decided to do the cardigan with full length sleeves and three buttons, however I didn't think about needing more wool than the pattern suggests. I ran out of wool with the button bands to go so I called the shop I had bought the lovely Madelinetosh from and they had no more. Arggh! So I bought some from the USA and crossed my fingers it would be the same dye lot. Thankfully I think it might've been and the colours look just dandy. If I do say so myself.

Then the beautiful buttons I had chosen were too large despite three redo's of the button holes. So there was searching for new buttons and, you know, when you've been sitting on the perfect buttons for the whole project it's hard to find something else that completes the picture in the same way. However, with a little input from the lady herself we chose these mother-of-pearl flower ones and I think they're just fine.

This pattern is so clever and simple. It shapes itself. She loves it. It fits good and it seems to like doing the things she likes doing so they make a good pair.

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