Monday, May 9, 2011


We went camping for a birthday party this past weekend (hence the running with balloons!). Camping isn't something we have had much opportunity for till now. It is such a wonderful thing to do. For all of us.

As a child camping involved hard, dry red earth and rocks, steep mountain ranges, distant horizons, crisp clear skies with blazing sun in the day and the most crystal filled sky one could imagine of a night time, dingoes, emus, lizards and often, a good dose of flies.

This was different. Cold, foggy air, birds singing, sleeping to the sounds of the small river running nearby, grass underfoot, tall, tall, trees framing the sky and shading the earth. Kookaburras visiting, toadstools growing.

This babe wore jeans for the first time becuse we thought it would be a good choice for a baby crawling around in the cold and sometimes wet. And it worked but I won't be in a hurry to put them on her again. She looked too grown up. (A behaviour Mama dosent encourage any more than is absolutely neccessary....deep inhale...)

No matter where we camp, no matter what the temperature, there must be marshmallows over the fire. And there were. Many, both before and after dinner. He, he, he.

We woke to find ourselves sleeping among the clouds, literally. And then the sun shone through all of it.

A wonderful way to spend some time. 
And then we came home to a warm bath.
And a happy mother's day.

p.s. we've had a little technical glitch for a couple of days but now all seems to be working.

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