Monday, June 25, 2012

Treasure hunting

T'other day my wee man was difficult to get out of the house. But he, we, needed to get out, even if it was only for half an hour. So I told him we were going on a Treasure Hunt, wrote a quick list and gave him a basket. His little sister followed with joy.

It was very simple, things I knew we would find but allow him some thought and choosing. He found other things along the way that were added to the basket too. I did smile to myself watching him wander down the street with his basket. So sweet.

I included quiche on the list (a 'sure to be eaten' item at the moment) so we went via a bakery and he thought he'd like to sit there and eat it so our adventure became a little longer. It was just right. We arrived home to have some quiet time.

And in the morn I shall board a jet plane with three small peoples and a decreasing lap to take us to the red heart of this country for a week or so. I'm not sure how good my access to this space will be but I'm hopeful. Crisp desert air, here we come.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wonder full: something for the senses

Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Something to be thankful for.

Just a few (too many) Florentines chocolated and ready

Friday, June 22, 2012

Birthday gifting

Yesterday was Dada's birthday. For about a week the kids and I have been planning and working on a little project. I thought this would be a good way for the kids to gift something they designed themselves but that had a bit more longevity and presentation than a piece of paper.

I used the embroidery hoop to draw a ring on a piece of paper then asked them each to draw a picture for Dad. I then traced it on to some linen and tried to match the colours from my embroidery collection. 

Had we been a little more organised I might've gotten those wee hands to do some of the stitching. On this occassion I did it, however, don't for a moment think that they didn't have complete creative control. 'I want the dress pink and my eyes blue' and 'All dark blue, like Spiderman. Do it on the line Mama. And can you do his tail now? He needs more tail.'

Now we must decide where to hang our pictures. 
It was lovely to do a little embroidery. I don't do it often enough. Each time I do I find it so enjoyable. And because I had a little Japanese embroidery book with me whilst I did this I now have a few requests for other embroidered items. Hmmmm, can I find the time...? Somewhere, yes. It is ever so hard to stop knitting at the moment though. 

The morning after, this is all that's left of the cake. By clear decision making of our little man it is a vanilla cake with passionfruit icing. Taste testing allowed him to decide one whole passionfruit made it taste just passionfruity enough. He was right you know. It was 'alicious.'

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rainbow wheel

This is another project that came off the needles in those weeks.

This was a great project for this time. It was simple and rhythmic. (Ravelry Link)

I used this border pattern. With yarn this colourful I felt something neat and just a little decorative was needed.

I bought this yarn sometime ago after I watched a friend make a blanket (the entire thing in moss stitch!!) with it and thought it was beautiful. My initial purchase was not enough to make the blanket as big as I had hoped so I purchased more. Over a year later. Needless to say it was a different dye lot but  it all seems to moosh together well enough.

Today is 'bery' cold and 'bery' windy and we had a little earth shake last night, which gave me a little fright but no damage and no one hurt. Can't complain about the cold really...Winter Solstice today. 
Snuggle up.

Monday, June 18, 2012

While I wasn't here

I continued to knit. Quite a lot at stages. I've been a busy knitter of late. I began a little journey of knitting creatures. There have been numerous and varied requests around here but this is what I started with.

Puppies, complete with a snuggle blanket. From the very sweet Itty Bitty Toys book by Susan B. Anderson.

One for her (the bigger) because this was her specific request. It's been named Sleepy Pendoodle after we read the book by the same name.

And then one for him because he gave Pendoodle so much snuggling. And I found this very snugglable puppy-like wool at the Handweavers and Spinners Guild. The he puppy is a little larger and has had many wild imaginative names, none that have yet stuck.

And a friend for the littler lady? That no-so-wee identity is in progress.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wonder full: something for the senses

Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Something to be thankful for.


A view from my window

Friday, June 15, 2012

The week just gone

We smiled quietly as we witnessed for the first time three children sit together over a book and not need an adult to read. 'Cause that big sister, she's doing the reading thing, all be it the beginnings, by herself and she has a willing audience.

I flew back to the red heart of Australia for just two nights with just one small babe to help my sister celebrate her birthday. It was wonderful to be there. Sometimes just being there is what it's about. And this wee lady, she put up with it well, although she was very unwell and Mama's lap space is getting smaller and smaller...

And below....
Below, is what you get when a four year old and a five year old find three things on their own....
A mother's scarf basket, a shoe cupboard to empty and a camera. (tights: model's own)
(These were revealed to me tonight as I down loaded the camera. Chuckle, chuckle)

I promise you I have never worn these items quite like this. If I ever do, please feel free to help me find a mirror.

Hope you've had a good week.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

breaks and mends

I took a period of withdrawal.

To heal,

to recover,

to rebuild,

to consolidate,

to reconnect.

My camera has been a little less snap happy of late but she's finding herself again, slowly. (Yes, my camera, she's a she)

And this weekend just past lead us on a few small outings and we were blessed with healthy doses of cool Wintertime sunshine and wonderful company.

Small gifts and great thankfulness.

Hope you all had a wonderful Winter weekend.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wonder full: something for the senses

Something to hear, something to see, something to smell, something to taste, something to touch, or something to know....
Something to be thankful for.

Treats for the ladies. He, he.